Who am I? What do I do? Those are some of the questions I get, so I'll try to answer that
for you.
Well my name is Miah, if that wasn't already made obvious. I'm
years old and I enjoy learning and helping others. When I'm not making
useless pages like this one that nobody will see, I'm probably just trying to educate myself
about something I know little about, or off riding my
eBike to clear my mind. I don't have any kids or a significant other to prevent me from
doing what I want to do in life, so that gives me a ton of time to do the things I like to
do. I've been told I should use my knowledge
to make money, but money doesn't really mean anything to me. Sure money helps us be happy,
but does it really? Yeah we need money to live and to survive and all of that nonsene, but
I'm happy with what little I have. I'm not
rich by any means, I've just been lucky to have people who have helped me out in getting to
where I am now. If it wasn't for those who've helped me, then who knows where I'd be. So
maybe that's why I like to help others, because
others have always helped me. Maybe we should all help out more.
Do I know what I'm doing? Did I go to school for any of the things that I do?
The simple answer to that is, everything I know I know because of the internet. The
more complex answer to that would be, I'm always bored and I have no life, so I sit around
by myself all the time and try to do new things
that I've never done without having to leave my computer. Yeah I know, that makes it seem
like I'm just some fat slob that sits in their basement all day eating chips and drinking
soda. Though that couldn't be further from
the truth, because I'm underweight, I rarely eat junk food and I don't have a basement. All
jokes aside, I'm part of the generation that grew up without the internet, but I was
basically the generation that was there at the
begining of the internet. That has helped me out a lot, because I know the struggles of life
and I'm not addicted to social media. Infact I can't stand social media, but I do use it
from time to time to communicate with others.
I never went to school for anything I know, hell I dropped out of highschool and don't have
my good enough diploma. Though I've been employed in the past at some reputable companies in
some high positions because I do know
that I'm doing, or so I think.
Why did I type all of this? What did I expect to gain from doing this? Seriously,
what's the point?
Well honestly, I just like to type, that's really about it. I don't really expect
anyone to read any of this, but if people do then maybe it will help them in some sort of
way. The world works in mysterious ways, you never
really know what will happen when you do something until you do it. Maybe by me doing what
I'm doing right now I'm helping inspire others, or maybe I'm just making people laugh, or
most likely I've just put you to sleep with
my random ass rant. In the end I don't really think there is a point to any of this, I'm
pretty sure it's all just a big simulation anyways. Though it would be nice if somehow this
helped me, I don't really know how it could,
but you never know. So with everything being said I'll end with this. Don't do what others
are doing, or what others expect you to do. Do what you want to do and don't worry about
what others will think. Sure it's nice to hear
peoples thoughts and opinions from time to time, but don't take things personally. After
all, the people that you're listening to are all just NPCs anyways, who want's to sit there
and listen to them ramble on about nothing?
Wait, am I a NPC? Oh FML!